Infested (2023)

Horror/Creature Feature
Rated 15
Spoiler Free

The recent cinema release of spidery horror Sting collided with my horror channel Shudder subscription; or as I like to call it, free trial I knew I’d never cancel. The first freebie I watched was Stopmotion which, erm, didn't go so well. Infested is a French film about rampant arachnids assaulting a Parisian banlieue like the insidious eight legged bastards they are. French horror! J’taime.

Infested is visually impressive from the first frame, although anyone can do a sexy title sequence. James Bond films manage it, then follow it up with two hours of shit which have thankfully got less #MeToo over the years, admittedly better shot, but more boring and self important. A devoutly urban film, Infested is very Parisian and and playing well on the class and racial prejudices the French thankfully recently, just, kept out of power

It’s a brilliant setting, a tower block. Self contained, ignored, looked down upon, the inhabitants irrelevant unless they’re dangerous. Commentary, I see what they did there because I’m a clever bollocks innit. 2009’s The Horde had a similar idea with zombies and while it was fun and crazy yet derivative, Infested immediately presents with more skill.

I very quickly engaged with Infested and its characters, Director SĂ©bastien Vanicek does a lot very economically, never using too much exposition to keep characters interesting. It also subverts the accepted tropes with aplomb. Something Sting does not do. Sting, is not a great film. Infested is a good film; well put together and feels like it has been made by people well practiced at their art which considering it is Vanicek’s first feature is a feat.

The spiders are believable, they’re everywhere, and all the various creepy crawly sounds and moments are enough to have you irritating your skin like I was. There is a Taxi Driver reference, which by proxy is also a La Haine reference and I am totally on board with that. The stakes are constantly raised as the arachnids go full roid rage and there’s no need for excessive gore, Infested ain’t that kinda creature feature.

It is easy to make comparisons to other films, Arachnophobia for one, but there’s elements from elsewhere and that’s almost possible to avoid- particularly in a creature feature. You’ll forget all of that because Infested very much has its own voice.

Bedsit it?

Imagery and ick which will stick with you, scratching every itch. Infested is very good. 8/10

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