Violent Night (2022)

Rated 18
Spoiler Free

From all of us me at Bedsit Cinema

When I was a kid we'd leave out a carrot and milk out for Santa and his reindeer, which were gone the next morning to prove they'd been and not left a Nintendo. Then Santa preferred whiskey and cookies. Then my parents split up. Christmas is a weird mix of emotions, traditions and beliefs which the Christian soaked world try to fuse into positivity. This is a wholesome day and goddamnyou forget about all that other shit, think about the good stuff.

It's a nice message. Think about the good shit.

Violent Night is directed by Tommy Wirkola, who made the excellent Dead Snow and its even better, more mental, sequel Dead Snow 2: Red vs Dead. The man has a knack for gifting his films gory laughs and Violent Night carries itself with the jaunty jolly of a family film… sort of. Wholesome visuals, bursting with holiday colours and cheer, are all undermined by clever cruelty and casual crassness.

A tip top roster of acting talent (given the genre) led by David Harbour, John Leguizamo and Edi Patterson, the plot is simply Die Hard with Old Saint Nic. Almost the Bruce Willis classic inverse, a Christmas film disguised as action. Santa turns up (admonishing his reindeer for crapping on the roof as “unprofessional”) to a rich, rowing family home as mercenaries descend looking for money. It’s hardly complex, but come on, we’re all here to have fun!

Ask yourself, what do you want from a Christmas film? Do you want to see Santa handing out presents to orphans like a fucking pussy or do you want to see him crushing criminals’ skulls and cutting naughty boys apart with ice skates? Violent Night is exactly what you’d expect and that is a compliment; there are so many silly seasonal flicks with no joy whatsoever, this is not one.

Violent Night is a wicked, X rated Home Alone slapstick spliced with action and comedy carnage. Think about the good, those you love, and have lovely time together or even just doing the best you can to make life a happier place for everyone.

Love you,

Bedsit Cinema.

Bedsit it?

Tommy Wirkola and Harbour’s badass Santa deliver insane seasonal beatings. 7/10

Jingle bells and brutality, check these reviews out!...



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