Matilda (2017) Theatre
It's a play, and if I had been paying attention, I would have noticed
it was a fucking musical. They should make that the tagline: “Hate
musicals? Avoid this like the clap!”
The brilliant Roald Dahl novel Matilda is bastardised by the West
End. Before your very eyes!
My aunt, the vivacious work of walking art that is not to be named on
here, is able to sort cheap theatre seats, and we tapped her up like
a dealer after 6 pints on a Friday for Matilda tickets. I had no worries, it's always
good shit, she's a responsible dealer. Plus my sister was involved,
and she knows I hate musicals. Because of London being shit around
6pm, I walked from Old Street to Seven Dials. Midway I discovered
this wasn't a play of the book I loved as a kinder, but a musical. My
horrified WhatsApp led to a reassuring “don't worry Ad, Tim Minchin
wrote it.”
Minchin owes me £22 and an apology. The fucking lanky haired,
balding musician of “comedy” only my idiot friends enjoy, landed
a giant turd on my favourite childhood author. The Antipodean, I
hoped, had the musical savvy and oddness able to carry Matilda as a
musical, for twats, over the line. He doesn't, from the word go it is
jarring. The songs aren't in any way kind to the ear, it varies
between far too loud and dull, and crucially, rarely captures Dahl's
few scenes between Matilda and her father were the only parts where
Dahl shone though. The songs, while well choreographed, were dull and
did like most musical songs do- interrupt the narrative. The whole
thing is well put together and beautifully set, the actors do their
best despite largely being unlikeable characters (even Miss Honey was
limp). I felt the school fell flat; the headteacher was a good
creation but somehow landed outside of the target area. Not Dahl's. I
hated it, as I do most musicals, despite one or two good things about
it. I left at half time*.
did have a think about when I actually might suffer through a
musical, and all I could muster was that I need to either like the
music an awful lot, or it needs to be so distracting that I don't
care. By which I mean funny. The Book of Mormon I have seen twice,
but it is an exception. Knowing something is a musical before I have
paid for it will always prevent me going. I went, and I walked out.
Thanks also to the snobby front of house octogenarian who looked down on
me for doing so. Who says the West End isn't accessible?
it? You can't. But don't if you love Dahl. Loadsamoney, zero heart.
Sack it off. 1/10
refuse to call it an interval
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